Originally Posted by ICU 812
I have been waiting for a liberal administration to come out in favor of legalizing The Hobby like it is in Europe . . .or even in Canada.
What is Warren's position on consenting adults exchanging money for sex in private?
I hope you realize that Canada just adopted their version of the Nordic Model where purchasing the services of an escort is now illegal but selling the services is legal. This move was done to placate the male-hating militant feminists that believe the white male at the root of all evil.
BTW - Liberal Jimmy Carter supports the Nordic Model. This is the type of thinking you will see from the self loathing white liberals. They are as bad as the religious right on this issue IMHO. Maybe worse for the John.
Ron Paul was the only Politico that I ever heard say prostitution should not be illegal.
I would never support a communist/socialist gun grabber like Warren.