Dear Providers & Gentlemen of leisure,
It is impossible to not notice the staggering Homeless population as you travel through downtown Dallas and Fort Worth. There are so many in need, and while there are numerous resources for shelter and food, the homeless have limited resurces for clothing, toiletries & bedding.
During the months of October through January, some of friends and church family are going to hit the streets with an outreach program in Dallas to give them HOPE for the Holidays!!! This is a subject very near to my heart, because I once lived at one of the largest shelters in north Texas after I was assaulted and badly beaten. If you would like to donate to the cause here is a list of items we are looking for!!! please contact me via pm and we will work out a way to meet!!!!
men & women's items needed, they can be used or new!!!
_- hats of any kind & gloves
- jackets and coats
-long & short sleeve t-shirts
- jeans & khakis no dress clothes
- mens long sleeve button down shirts
- socks & underwear
-sweat shirts, sweat pants or jump suits
-sweaters of any kind
- towels, sheets, sleeping bags
- hygiene products (deoderant shampoo soap toothbrushes toothpaste)
- travel bags of any kind
Be a Blessing this holiday season for a great cause!!!