Hmm, depends on my mood, but in NYC I've stopped offering one hour appointments because I feel they are too rushed (and have enough business to be selective enough to decline to accept appointments that I know will be rushed). While touring, I usually do offer one hour appointments, but still have a strong preference for ninety minutes. The gentleman I meet are usually pretty fascinated with my mind and want to get to know me, and I am very open-minded in bed so I like to draw playtime out and try different things. An hour is only enough, IMO, if a guy doesn't really want to get to know me or if he is super vanilla and doesn't want to try anything new. But the gents I meet usually do want to get to know me, and usually also want to try new things, and I hate to kick someone out who I'm discovering a new connection with when they clearly aren't ready to go yet. I'm tempted to have a ninety minute minimum everywhere for this reason, but for now, I'll still offer one hours in most of my touring locations because I'm sure there are some guys who genuinely don't have the extra time to spend and would still like to meet me and enjoy my specialized skills, however briefly...
I think sometimes, especially when the guy is the one in a hurry, I can get really into jumping into the action fast and parting ways quickly after. Something about the mystery of barely speaking to someone can be sexy with the right chemistry. It's not exactly my style, per say, but when it is the guy's style to play that way, I can find the change of pace hot and fun. I just don't like to be the one to have to do the rushing.