Assume you do not have PA. If someone does not put activities which are provided, how do you know you want to see her? If you want only a BJ, and activities say massage +, are you gonna get a BJ if you see her or only a HJ? If you want to find a provider who does Greek, how do you find her if nobody puts it in activities but only in ROS?
Why would a provider not want a review to advertise for her. And advertising does not work if you do not advertise what you are selling. Here are some numbers you may not be aware of.
6595 (2594 members and 4004 guests) That is who is online right now on Eccie at 8 AM Tuesday morning. Notice 2/3 at least do not have PA, cause they are not even members, only lurkers.
Originally Posted by myalterego62
So, what is the point then of paying for PA
Personally, if you are on the board, I do not see ANY reason to pay for PA. Write an approved review and get access.