I have been to Brazil several times, over the years there has been many changes in Rio. but, since they are gearing up for the World Cup/Olympics. Things are getting crazy there. They are raising rates on everything and I am sure that will not be any different when you visit. If you are going to be staying near the beach. Stay in Leblon, botofogo or Ipanema, visit Copacabana, but don't stay in that area. If you can't speak the language, have someone that you know that can speak it go with you everywhere.
Yes, you can purchase a hop ticket. Buy one ticket and fly to several cities. If you do visit other places. Try Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador/Bahia and Belo Horizonte. Those are beautiful cities and you will get to enjoy them without all the normal noise and traffic of Rio and Sao Paulo
You can use your credit card. but, if you are one that likes to use cash....always try to find a American bank ATM. There is a chase bank (ATM) in Copacabana. Don't exchange cash at the airport. If you can, use your local bank here, if they deal in overseas currency and exchange cash before the trip. Other places you can exhanage cash is travel agencies. but, make sure you know the exchange rate, for they will try to stick it to you if you are unsure of the rate....which changes daily.
I have a list of doctors and clinics that have english speaking doctors and nurses. Pm or email me for that info
Never take your Real Passport/Visa out in public with you. You can get certified copies of the original that will be accepted where ever you go. You must have identification with you at all times and a photocopy of your passport will suffice. Blend in with the Cariocas...Locals
Don't walk down public streets with a NY Yankess T-shirt........blend in and dress as they dress. Many times no one will know you are american until you speak. Then they will start treating you differently (Many times in a good way)
Never gives kids or people, money (beggars) in public. You do it once. You will be the target and become surrounded by kids.
Learn about the culture and history of Brazil. Brazilians are proud of their heritage and their country. If you know a small amount....it will go a long way for anyone you get to know...going out of their way to help you.
If you get to know some of the locals or brazilians in general and you are invited to someone's home. They will cook for you and offer you food...drink...whatever. Always accept something...for it is like an insult to not allow them to be hospitable to a guest....
There is much more, I could go into............drop me a line if you need more.......
Have a great time..............I already know you will........LOL