The beads or "balls" are definitely Asian. Have a good friend that's a nurse, her and a few other nurses showed up at my boat after a shift dying to tell me about the night. A guy came in with the "longer than 4 hour" hard on. (Which by the way I wouldn't call my Dr, I'd call every woman I know until I had a heart attack or the little arrogant bastard retreated)
The guy was on Cialus and had brought back from Mexico some "Viagra". He was just back from vacationing with his wife and going to see his Sugar Baby for the first time in two weeks. Figured a couple Mexican Viagra's would add to the nights fun. When he the ER Doc checked him out he had to question the almost 1/2 round knot on his cock. The guy replied that his oriental wife had asked him to get it because it aids in her pleasure. Yup, rubs the clit. So Mr Hard On became the showpiece for the nurses. Just gotta say if they were asking me to see it they would have to ride and try!!!!!
Two injections from Doc and Mr Ball Cock was heading home....