If you receive a text message from the number 265060 - 265069, someone sent you a message by directly inputting your number into AIM. One of your friends might be trying to text you. To stop all future messages from AOL, text
STOPALL to 265022, and then visit
http://www.aim.com/products/txt#block-txt. To block an individual sender only, reply
BLOCK to the text message you received.
If you receive a text message from the number 265080 - 265089, you are registered for IM Forwarding and may be getting SPIM from a compromised account. To block an individual sender only, reply
BLOCK to the text message you received.
Perhaps you're getting messages intended for someone else. Your mobile number might have been recycled, which means that it once belonged to someone else. The person who used to have that number probably used
IM Forwarding in AIM.
IM Forwarding sends IMs to a mobile phone whenever the user is offline – and that user may have neglected to turn off the service before switching numbers. So now you’re getting that person’s IMs!
To stop all future messages from AOL, text
STOPALL to 265022, and then visit