Originally Posted by MyRedRocket
I've been in trouble for that and gone through that situation before. I guess speaking from experience doesnt matter to people that have never been in trouble and dont live as a provider everyday. I' ve been a provider since 08 and have been in trouble only once when I first started(5 years ago). This is also my reasoning for not taking provider refs for.screening.I spent $6k on a lawyer preparing to go to trial. I had EXACTLY what I stated(dna evidence). My case was dropped before it got to trial. I will never offer advice again because forums seem to be like the blind leading the blind off a cliff. My 2 cents..
MyRedRocket, you can do what you want.
There's certainly a sense for all of us who post outside of marketing or searching for the right person of, "Why exactly am I posting on here? Why is this worth my time?" I can't give that answer for you, because I don't know you from Adam.
What I can say is that this forum is no different than any other message board I've been on in terms of people dynamics. I'm not talking about porn boards, or escort boards. I'm talking bulletin boards on every subject under the sun. Same people. Different handles. It's because at the end of the day, we're all human.
You're always going to get people who think they know all the answers. Goodness knows I'm that guy sometimes. And you're probably that person at times, too. To me, the key thing is, are we willing to listen to the other person before forming a convicted opinion?
Well, the problem with all anonymous sites, is how much of myself do I really want to reveal? For example, if you had made your last post at the very beginning, would it have changed the tone of the conversation? Maybe, but maybe not.
The key thing, is that you really didn't want to post that. You just wanted to post your opinion based on personal experience, without relaying the personal experience. It was only after being challenged by anonymous handles that don't know you, or anything about you, that you came back with more detail to back your opinion.
While I can't give you reasons why you should post for you --- you have to figure that out yourself --- I can tell you reasons why *I'd* like to see you post.
I am very new to this world. I have been happy with my experiences so far, and the overwhelming reason for that, is THIS site, and the guidance the contributors here have helped give me. The provider side is even more risky, particularly for women who are just starting out, and may not have a healthy mentor relationship they can count on.
By contributing your wisdom, maybe at some point you'll help someone who otherwise would have had to find out the hard way, with possibly some life altering consequences. I don't know. Maybe not. But that's what I would hope for.
In any case, thank you for your posts on this thread. I thought it was very interesting.
I would also add that any time a woman has been forced into sex, she should immediately go to the nearest hospital/law enforcement facility and ask for a rape kit. Even minuscule amounts of DNA can be used to buttress her case. But the sooner the better.