Originally Posted by timpage
I object as non-responsive.
I think that point your missing, and that Doove has made, is....You've repeatedly indicated that charity should be the way the poor are helped, not via government programs or tax dollars. The article indicates that many charitable organizations don't help the poor, they use the poor to scam people. Not surprisingly, when people find out that a charitable organization is scamming them, they react like ExNYer....and advocate not giving to charity. Get it now? You taking the position that the poor should be forced to rely on charity only doesn't end up doing much for the poor.
Let me know if you need more help.
Object all you want. You've got the morons singing your praises. Yes, private charity is the way to go. If you'd read my post, you'd understand. But since you obviously didn't, feel free to remain ignorant, and bask in the praises of the hopelessly mentally challenged. Enjoy!