Originally Posted by bigtex
Jackie, what would you say if we failed to ship the latest up to date missle defense systems to friendly Pacific Rim Countries and N Korea actually sent up an armed missle? Would you be critical of the Administration for failing to protect our allies or would you high five the Prez for being fiscally prudent?
I guess we have to do what we have to do.
My whole point is we have to respond to this fat little twerp because even though North Korea is a basket case as Nations go, it does have a very formadable military. And, all of those old Generals you allways see standing with the Dear Leader are all battle hardenned men.
Of course, we could nuke the entire lot, but you know we won't.
What will happen if Kim gives the order, and millions of well armed and well trained North Korean Soldiers start streamimg accross the 38th? The South Korean Military will not be able to stop them. Hundreds of thousands will die in a few days.
So where does that leave us?