Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
@ Poet: nicely said. And this reader found your tone to be fully appropriate. Perhaps you hit a little too close to home for some?
I'm sure I did, and there are several reasons for it:
1. Most hobbyists have an SO;
2. The providers are aware of this; and
3. If we as hobbyists were faithful to our women, providing as we know it would cease to exist.
More than forty years ago, a man named Dr. David Reuben wrote a book that was a blockbuster at the time: 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask). In it he described the results of his interviews with literally thousands of prostitutes all across the country. The consensus was that if wives and girlfriends gave head, the ladies of the evening would be out of business.
I wrote a book and am working on another, in which one of the minor characters is a provider. I have interviewed ladies in Illinois, Louisiana, and Texas, and Dr. Reuben's postulate still holds. What changed was my realization of just how many men are cheating on their women.
Neither of my wives, and only one of my GFs, could hold a candle in bed to eighty percent of the providers I've been with. I didn't care then and I don't care now. When I make love to a woman, I give her a part of me, and I take a part of her. The emotional intimacy is just as important to me as the physical release, because the emotional intimacy carries with it the memories of shared experiences, both good and bad; of hopes, dreams, and the realization that I made promises to this girl, as she did to me, and if I expect her to keep her promises, I damn well better keep mine. Otherwise I'm not just a selfish pig, I'm the worst kind of hypocrite you can imagine.
So I hobby when I'm between GFs, but from the minute of the first deep kiss with a civilian, the hobbying stops and I devote myself to the new lady in my life. How can anyone who considers himself an honorable man do any less?