Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Contrails dissipate fairly quickly. Chemtrails remain for a much longer time. I'm glad you trust the government so much.
Can you provide a reliable reference to support that? Please note the word "reliable" in that request. Posting links to Alex Jones or other conspiracy mongerers fails that test.
What is a "chem trail" anyway? A "chemical trail", right? The amount of time something takes to dissipate depends on the chemical, doesn't it? So unless there is only ONE type of chemical, then I guess the dissipation time will vary compared to a contrail, won't it?
It's funny that the conspiracy nuts never identify the chemical. They just use the word "chem trail" like it is some self-evident bugaboo that is supposed to make their fellow conspiracy fans shit their pants with fear.
Well, water is a chemical. So water vapor in a contrail qualifies as a "chem trail", doesn't it?
I know you can seed clouds with chemicals to unreliably cause rain.
And I know there are proposed schemes to pump huge amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to deflect sunlight and promote global cooling.
But that would affect the entire planet, not just targeted locations. So, how exactly does the Department of Defense control the weather on a small location - beyond seeding rain clouds? Is there some chemical that can cause a tornado?