The idiots, of which StupidOldFart is clearly one, love to throw around their buzzwords like "tyranny." They don't know WTF it means but they hear those words on their conservative news sources, up to and including FAUX News! Since they lost the election that seems to be their only hope and aspiration for America's future!
I will call it what it is! They are a bunch of whiny losers! It's sad, really sad what the Republican Party with their Far Right Wing-Nut leadership has dwarfed into! They only see one thing, they want America to fail and nothing less!
Two years ago, the Senate Minority Leader's primary goal was to make President Obama a one term President. Senator McConnell didn't say their primary goal was to restore prosperity to America. He didn't say that their primary goal was to make America more secure. He said the primary goal was to make Obama a one term President.
In other words, Senator McConnell pledged to obstruct to keep the President from being successful. And therein lies the hopes and aspirations of the ranking Republican member of the U S Senate. Get a friggin life, loser!
No wonder the idiots in this forum says the things like they do. They are only playing "Follow the Leader." I believe they all, including Senator McConnell, should move their worthless ass(es) to beautiful, downtown Damascus. Be sure to let us know what living conditions are like in a country other than "The land of the free and home of the brave!"
Adios Cock Suckers, get back to us in 10 years! Ya hear?