I just wanted to take time to say a big thank you to all the providers that accommodate our hobby. The providers have a life just like hobby guys, they have family, friends, maybe children, and have the same ups and downs as the rest of us. We as hobby seekers, always expect the provider to be fresh, punctual, well rested, her mind on us and only us, she is expected to perform as if we were the last person she will ever see, she is expected to always be polite, friendly, and just proud that we decided to choose her instead of the many options. Providers have the same distractions and personal issues of life in general as the hobby guys have, but unlike us, who go back to our 'regular life' after one to two hours of entertainment, she has to prepare herself, clear her mind, and be expected to perform at her best again. I do appreciate the time and effort the providers put into making each encounter with us the best experience possible. THANK YOU, for your dedication to this hobby. dj8