In the professional world, I think it comes down to the golden rule: "He who has the gold makes the rules" In real life, men and women both have say as to who they choose to play with.
I have no issue with either client or provider being picky about who he/she sees. Everyone has their preferences. If a provider is repulsed by a client, she isn't going to be able to hide it no matter how good an actress she may be. Thus the client will not enjoy their time together. If a client only likes spinners, they won't like curvaceous girls. If a client only likes BBWs, they aren't going to like spinners.
The only time I have issue is when someone is completely closed minded about an entire group of people. I don't judge anyone by ethnicity, size, physical attributes, etc. No one is perfect. Hygiene and attitude are different matters tho - sure fire way to turn me off is to be nasty smelling, poorly groomed, arrogant, obnoxious and the like.
I think the sign that many businesses display "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" is applicable to this business. As is "Caveat Emptor." :=)