I know I'm supposed to believe in global warming. I know failure to believe is the sign of a closed minded, bigoted, Fox news watching ignoramus, a person so devoid of intelligence that even WTF laughs at his stupidity and makes jokes about his lack of intelligence. I know that if you don't believe in global warming you are a shithead who is not welcome in sophisticated society, an embarrassment to mankind.
So, I want to believe. I hate the social ostracism and approbation. So I have watched news report for years about the melting artic ice and thought to myself that if the arctic ice is melting, it must mean heat is accumulating where the computer models said it would be, heating up the poles, and melting the ice. They show the sad details every year, along with adding that the only people who don't believe it are assholes with emotional problems to go along with their abject stupidity. So I believe.
Here is the clencher. A new study shows that Antarctic ice expanding is also proof of global warming! How much fucking clearer can it be? The ice cap declining in the North Pole, and expanding in the South Pole proves global warming once and for all!!! It is so logical I'm going to quit my job and start trading carbon credits!!!