Originally Posted by CS Geisha
That is so sweet of you babes and I appreciate it more than you can imagine!! :-)
Kimberly You posted this on every Board in Co. Anyone and everyone who replied to you including myself..You bashed, called people names-called other providers cheep, old and ugly, and made negative remarks to everyone-you only got bashed when you called everyone names and made personal attacks. When you were the mod on sowet you bashed TOB, P411 and every-other board you could-not to mention the owners & providers. Now you are doing the same thing here. As I told you before, We will "Not" help you self destruct-"even-though" you called me every name under the sun-when I was the only one trying to give the BOD"...I will still be the bigger person and try and help you.
~Yes you are a currant and good provider, Yes you are still one of the girls to me. But No we will not support drama!!.
~Take a deep breath and just relax, keep working and be a good provider and hopefully things will change.
even though you were really nasty to me "for no reason" and everyone else, I still wish good things for you...and if I never talk to you again please stay safe out there.
here it the link to the thread in question
Charlie Out!