Originally Posted by Salty Again
... OR was he ever gonna keep his seat
whether he went thru the mud - or not!
He's a dead goose.
### Salty
He didn't care either way. He's an above board man. Shame, really.
He could have kept his position if he played the game dirty. Reason was never going to get him the votes he needed. Divisiveness is not his forté.
What is the dirty south's?
However, when people reefer to the "Duurty South" they typically refer to the deep South. With that being said it should be noted that the upper south is quite dirty as well. West Virginia is almost never seen as the south now and days but more of Border-line Midwest or East Central United States of America. This also applies to Kentucky and sometimes Tennessee if your one of those assholes leaving bullshit on urban dictionary when you need to go back to school and learn basic geography.
Most from the south like getting dirty.
Like a boxer who gets hit to hit.