Do you know what happened on this day, some 849 days ago?
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Leadership at its worse, incrediously, Obama passed his last (and only) budget. His most recent attempt to pass a budget was a miserable failure with not one single Democrat voting for it. Yep, the Obama 2011 budget proposal was so aggregious and drove our spending into the strosphere that nobody in the Senate would put there name on it.
He is a failed leader without a budget or defecit reduction plan for us to read, understand, debate. Even the horrible Obamacare was delegated to Pelosi; passed in the middle of the night. A plan that altered 1/7th of economy, a plan that we had to "pass it so we could know what was in it".
We are now 5 days away from possibly defaulting on our debt and losing our AAA credit rating; and Obama hasn't told America his plan to get debt undercontrol. Instead his concept of leadership is to criticize and threaten veto. He shrinks from leading. Americans are finally focusing on Obama as a failed leader - the polls show it. A terrible economy, no job creation, increasing debt and three wars. America will throw him out of office in 2012.