Based on his tax plan, Ah pree-dickt thet us rich oldt white dudes is a-gonna git e'en richer,
an' e'ery buddy else is a-gonna git poorer 'r stay tha same.
Whut this means is thet tha hobby is a-gonna stratify e'en more.
Tha fellas on tha poor end ee-thar ain't gonna be able ta hobby 'r not hobby as much,
so thet end o' tha market is a-gonna dry up
an' tha few thet's gonna be 'roundt is a-gonna be lookin' 'r askin' fer speshuls an' discounts laik nobuddy's bidness, reel 'ggressive-laik.
It's a-gonna be a bottom-feeder's world fer thet market segment.
Now, tha high end o' tha hobby is a -gonna be jus' fine.
Plenny o' munny ta eye-thar hobby laik wolverines in heat on Viagra
'r jus' pay fer them jet-set high-dollar-hotties.
Tha only problum is thet they's only so menny clients an' only so menny loads they kin blow.
Viagra'll giv'um s boner but it don't make werkin' up some more jam enny dern quicker.
So, gals oughta git reddy fer tha poss'ble future.
Eye-thar pree-pare fer tha dash ta tha bottum an' look forwardt to do a lotta blow-an-go's
an' utha cheep deels ta service thet end o' tha market
'R git yerself a nice party dress and spike-heel shoes
ta cater ta us upper-crusty fellas.
But keep in mind, a lotta us is crazy sick pree-verted bastards.