Originally Posted by VitaMan
You keep talking about fake Pittsburgh. What do you mean ?
Are you saying Schenley Park and Forbes Avenue are fake ?
Try to form a correct sentence about what is fake in Pittsburgh.
Speaking of fakes......when are you going to come out of the closet ?
Kim is real. But not accessible to you, or to Kanye.
... What LustyLad was saying is that YOU'RE the fake, Vita.
He doesn't believe that YOU went for university at Carnegie-Mellon.
That's all.
And He was also complaining about fake tits and asses
and comparing YOU to that... But Lustylad is wrong there.
You're NOT a FAKE ass - you're a REAL ass.
However, since we happen to be bludger-mates, I'll surely
remind ALL the lads here that LESS insults would be
better for the Fourm.
### Salty