Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Reading all the alerts everywhere, I use to think it was just BP. But with people coming up with 2nd handles, and 3rds, and in one case that i know of.. a 4th.. it makes me wonder...
Should Mental Evaluations be part of the screening process?
Are these people seriously disturbed or do they simply "assume the GFE is true GFE" and fall in love. Then when reality hits they just paid for the GFE.. their feelers get hurt?
Sounds like someone just had a bad experience - Luscious. Hmmmm?
Multiple personality disorders seem rampant in the hobby. CEO and devoted husband/father by day...letcherous ____ monger by night.
GFE = Heartbreak? Was it after the first session? (hobbyist has serious issues) Or, was it after MANY sessions - where personal contact rules were repeatedly broken between sessions, and the provider pushed the boundaries of "GFE?" (no one's fault, just a shame and pretty unprofessional on both their parts). ijs