I have many people who tell me I am overly "out there" . . . a risk taker, an in the moment woman, a do it now because you never know about tomorrow type girl . . .
I believe the consensus is correct when I say that most of us would live differently if given that knowledge . . . what if you don't know and it happens . . .are we prepared (Family wise) and have we done or are we living our lives as we choose to RIGHT NOW?
A close person recently out of the blue was gone. A young healthy woman with a small child and a husband. Died in a car accident and I remember having a conversation with her when she said "Well all those things we talked about I will do someday . . . right now I am going to work and come home to my daughter try to pay rent and save . .."
What if . . . .
We took out a loan to go to Disney World . . .
We bought that car we couldn't quite afford but was longing for forever . . .
We decided to taste the hobby/provider world and the swingers world . . . .
What if you blew off work/school/ obligation to BE in the moment and fully love those in it . ..
What if you risked social appropriation to be who you are . . .hmm lol I think most of us already have . . .
It just saddens me...the lies...the inability to be who you are . . . the apprehension to do things due to money or risk . . .
Anyone can off themselves and believe me if I knew it would be pain and suffering I would too . . .but before then . ..
You better believe I would live it up!!!