Originally Posted by tucson
Had we not progressed to water sports right after that I would have always wondered if it had been urine.
Ha! I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one in this boat. I figured out I could squirt (well, gush, really) on my own. It was...uh...surprising. A fuck buddy of mine assured me that it was squirting, but I was never quite sure. THEN I dated a guy who was into water sports. I never figured out how to wiz during penetration and any sporting during play is actually somewhat mentally taxing for me (it's a neutral for me, not a kink). Then there was the 2 or 3 doctors I banged that I made watch me do it so they could also confirm. Now I'm convinced. Sadly, I don't use this story in the RW when I try to defend sexy bed wetters. A decade later and I've developed decent control over it, but it doesn't really correspond with big Os for me...so I'm still a little confused a bit about its purpose beyond having a circus trick.