Some time ago, I engaged the services of an escort that had a driver drop her at my motel on Expressway 83/77. We were just getting in bed to get busy, when the someone starting knocking on our door. From the bed I shouted out ," Who is it?", but the person would not respond and kept knocking insistently. So I had to get up and go the door and asked through the door, "Who is it?", but the SOB still would not respond until I opened the door. Hell I thought it was the cops getting me in a sting,
but it was the motel's security guard.
He informed me that there was a man in a car in the parking lot saying he was waiting for a friend that was in my room. The guard wanted to know if I knew the guy. Hell, I was already pissed with the guard for not responding when I spoke to him through the door and told him that I did not have anybody outside waiting for me and I did not know who the hell the guy was and to quit bothering me.
I returned to bed and asked the escort if she had someone drop her off, and yes sure enough it was her driver hanging around the parking lot, instead of leaving and coming back an hour later.
By that time I was too scared/stressed
out to perform satisfactorily. Spoke with the girl and told her that having her driver hanging around the motel was not a good business practice. She tried to make it up to me by being extra GFE but i just could not get in the mood again.
Make sure that if your escort has a driver, that he leaves the grounds and returns an hour later or when your provider calls him back. You don't want anybody out there receiving any unwanted attention by security or LE.