Originally Posted by winn dixie
Dementia Joe clocked the convicted felon. trumpf from start to finish lied his ass off and avoided several questions all together. trumpf didn't say one thing about policy. Just avoided and lied. Nor could trumpf stay on subject. If trumpf was on eccie he'd ban out in 5 posts!
Sir, you are unwilling or unable to see the truth, I do not mean this as an insult, but as a heads up.
Even the Liberal Pundits are talking about an exit strategy for Biden, one, that doesn't involve Kumswallow Hairball.
I had the opportunity to take the course "Presidential Rherotic" by Proffessor, IIRC, Ted Windt, at Pitt, his class was about the age of TV, in politics, and first example was the Nixon/Kennedy election, and how the coverage, and eventually the first debate televised between Kennedy and Nixon.
They featured prominently, on Nixons appearance, and the close ups of him sweating profusely, under the lights, some have conjectured, it was done intentionally to make him look bad.
This debate, may be the next best televised debate into making a candidate appear unelectable.
CNN did save Joes ass a few times by cutting him, off, which is what I posted about at the 14 minute mark, some call it the 13 minute save, and at that time it was clear, he was no longer viable as a candidate.
Again, there will be no 2nd debate, I predict, Bidet will serve to completion his term, and another candidate will take his place at the convention, my pick years ago was Gavin Newsome, but, he has fucked Kalifornia up so badly, I don't know if he is viable at this point, but, I still think hes the best looking guy available for the job, and, that shit matters, not in a gay way, but, in the fact that people feel better seing attractive people than ugly CHUDS, fact.
Bottom line, this was the worst ever performance in a Presidential debate, and don't blame the fucking cold, blame the fact they have hidden how bad off this guy is, for so long.