Originally Posted by purplezub
I have no shame in accepting that I have weak game, hence my visits to Amps and SubAmps. if my game was strong, I wouldnt have to pay for it. Looks like all of us are in the same "weak game" boat.
For someone who has been a member for 10 years, and supposedly visited many subAmps and Indys, why have you shared any reviews in the past? You know that this forum is based on exchange of intel / reviews. And the first review that you post on here sounds too good to be true.
It is much more complex than just having "good game" when referring to eventually having sexual relations with women.
1. Civilian women want a relationship in most cases - hard to hide for a married man.
2. Extremely pretty women are very hard to reach without mucho dinero anyway.
3. I could fuck an ugly woman for free but why would I want to?
4. Much quicker process than endlessly romancing a civlian.