Originally Posted by CJ7
when the republicans have absolutely nobody that can out flank Clinton it doesn't make much difference how hard msm hammers her does it?
when 2016 gets here the general public will be immune to the right yammering about Benghazi for the last several years, and Clinton will have a fresh NEW defense that counters the attack ... New in the eye of the general public vs old generally gets the most attention.
Which is exactly why shows like HardBall with Chris Mathews has turned into the "24 hour all bridgegate all the time" channel. Since Christy was the one candidate that could trump The Hildabeast", he must be shot down, by any means possible.
Of course, it doesn't help that he keeps loading the fun for them.
I would hope we could do better than either of these two. But I don't have a clue as to who it would be.